Schulanlage GOSU

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The urban design of the extension for the Neunkirch school campus adopts the historically linear structure of the site and the image of the characteristic local roofscapes to create a coherent connection between the town centre, the campus and its sports facilities, and the surrounding landscape by means of a central axis. All four buildings are closely interwoven through their roofscape and height development, as well as in their materiality and colour scheme.


Two independent new buildings – the GOSU school building and the communal gymnasium / assembly hall building – are similar in form and size but vary in the programmes they house. The design concept assumes the two new buildings as flat, one- and two-storey structures, with each building under a singular roof. Not only appropriate to the surrounding structures, the use of a singular roof unites the programmes set within the interior landscapes of each building. With a folded structure, the roofs follow the central axis, strengthening the ensemble character in its similarity and seamlessly blending in with the surrounding context.


While the roof eaves of the GOSU school building (which end protectively) give the interior a sense of security in concentrated learning, the roof of the gymnasium building opens to its evironment and is used for communicative and communal purposes. Same same but different – while the roofs of the two buildings differ in detail, their similar shift in the alternation of gable and eaves allow their respective programs and uses to become visible to the outside.

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