Rehacer Paisajes

As part of a master programme at the UPC | ETSAB University in Barcelona, Rehacer Paisajes urban installation is a result of the „Taller intensivo del Master de Architectura de Paisaje“ workshop. The project was conceived as a field exercise for the students, proving that one can practice their professionalism in improvised ways without big budgets. Exploring the possibilities of public spaces, the studio has built cardboard furniture for a Barcelona city square that represents a modern, sustainable, and flexible approach to placemaking. 


The furniture pieces scattered around the square took on diverse shapes – both common in public spaces and random, free forms. The visitors were invited to interact with the objects, create new combinations, as encouragement of creativity and social interaction – along with comfort, accessibility, and inclusivity – are in the essence of a quality public space. The simple, common materiality and human scale of the furniture is the result of a thorough revision of a conservative public space in a study that explores the following questions: 

  • How else can public space be defined?
  • When we say “public,” who do these spaces in fact serve?
  • How has our society’s conception of ownership changed and affected the relationship of public vs. private space?
  • What new uses are possible for open spaces?
  • How can technology and infrastructure shape programmes and identities?

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