Bahnhof Südkreuz

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The international train station Berlin Südkreuz is an urban hub that anchors the orientation and functions of the neighbouring city districts. The tonality of these districts and the buildings’ cutting geometry determines the differing spatial characters of the new adjoining open spaces.


With their refined yet functional design, the squares provide relevant accents, making the connective relationship between the train station and its surroundings, the leitmotif of its landscape architecture, and offering social leisure spaces through a stylish long bench and minimalistic concrete and wooden surfaces. 


The main square, Westplatz, is characterised by its generous spaciousness and representative character. At the same time, it provides an effortless transition to street-bound public transport. The granite slabs that cover the square’s surface provide a rhythm to the site analogous to the sharply angled geometry of the train station and interweave the square with its bus stops and taxi ranks. A grove of trees and a strikingly comfortable wooden bench provide the area with unique accents. Ostplatz, the rear square, is more compact: a retaining wall utilising the topographical situation separates the adjacent footpaths and creates a flowing entrance to this side of the station.

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