Erweiterung der Kaiserin-Theophanu-Schule

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The landscape design for the Kaiserin School builds a new central space for the children to communicate and play, creating original scenarios and rules. Creating a colourful contrast with the new contemporary brick architecture, the clean-cut lawn extends through the green surface of a new court that offers equipment for versatile game and sport activities.


The courtyard is a lively broad space that creates a stage for the new bright extension building. The playful relationship between the bright-green colour of the grass and playground surface and the brick walls of the architecture create a monumental spectacle for the impressionable eyes of the students, stimulating creativity. The climbing wall at the back provides for more challenging and courageous entertainment. The sports hall of the new extension encloses the central courtyard to the west and, together with the forecourt and turning area, forms an endpoint in the axis of Hollweghstrasse.


All components open with their connections in the direction of the playground. The ground floor transparency of the building enables a view through the building between the open areas. The existing school building and the new wing form an entrance courtyard, at the end of which is the new main entrance to the grammar school.

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