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The former industrial district of Spandau in the western part of Berlin is undergoing extensive urban revitalization. This project is divided into two parts: (1) reconnecting the former industrial canal with the urban fabric and (2) creating a design for a low-cost intermediate use for an industrial brownfield during the ongoing, transitional process of revitalizing the area. Our design for Maselake Canal includes a permanent public promenade at the waterfront as well as a temporary activity zone located on the former industrial brownfield.


The „activity zone“ is sealed off securely and covered with an asphalt surface, resulting in a new topography. It is painted with a yellow oscillating linear pattern – a playful element that breathes life into the former industrial area. As a subtle reference to the site’s industrial history, yellow and black dividers create a striking graphic quality that interacts with the yellow and black landscape. This multi-coded design encourages people to play on the site without defining or dictating how exactly they should play – users have agency to engage imaginatively with the site on their own terms.


The new, adjacent waterfront promenade merges the city and the canal by means of a stepped lawn, which also facilitates the site’s stormwater management. The terraced seating invites users to sit along the water. Extraordinary water plants and a weeping willow located at the water’s edge complete the canal’s new identity, serving as a contrast to the site’s rough quality. To encourage Berlin’s canoe enthusiasts, we have incorporated a public boat slip into the terrace’s steps. Our design for the temporary activity zone and new public waterfront transforms the industrial site’s desolate quality with an invigorating redevelopment concept.

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