Seoul Skyway

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Located in the Korean capital, the 938-metre long overpass project reflects on the possibilities to take full advantage of the local diverse climate – instead of creating a fixed design, our proposal offers a programmable space – a „theatrical stage“ that provides for flexible arrangement of seasonal excitements.


The strong seasonal difference in Korea has even penetrated the cultural traditions of the country – among other things, it is a common practice to have two kitchens in the house, one inside for the winter, and one in the garden for summer. The season-driven traditions lie in the foundation of the concept: the main idea was to create a space that changes with the weather and allows for the most exciting seasonal activities, involving the community.


The central design solution of the project is the stepped edge of the overpass. The sides of the Skyway feature steps that serve both for seating and access to the street level. The resulting elevated pathway creates a feeling as if the visitors were part of Seoul’s skyline, floating above the city.

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